Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratitis (TSPK) Treatment Complications
The good news is that Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratitis (TSPK) complications are far fewer than when the disease was first presented to the medical community in 1950.There are irritating symptoms such as chronic dry eye, burning sensations that come and go in the eyes, a high degree of sensitivity to bright lights or even sunshine and blurry vision. In many cases, the patient can relieve symptoms with lubricating eye drops and no other treatment at all.
Most doctors will hold off on advance treatments unless or until patients start to manifest sharply decreased eyesight or the pain experienced by exposure to light becomes far elevated. The reason for this is that some treatments have been documented to cause Glaucoma, which is especially true if there is a family history of glaucoma. Some treatments may actually cause cataracts when a patient is exposed to high doses of steroids over a long schedule. There is even a chance that some treatments will extend the time a patient has active Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratitis (TSPK).
It’s true that cataracts and ocular hypertension have shown up in patients being treated with corticosteroids. Ocular hypertension is intraocular pressure that registers higher than normal while there is an absence of optic nerve damage. Despite the possible risks, most medical teams believe that the use of steroids and its benefits can outweigh the risks in patients who are being steadily disabled by TSPK.
The main consideration is weighing the risks and benefits of a certain treatment when you are dealing with a disease that will appear and disappear over a period of years but will in most instances go into remission and never return at some point. Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratitis is also known as Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratopathy, TSPK, Thygeson’s Disease or Thygeson’s Syndrome. Fortunately, complications are best avoided by following the advice of your medical team and home health care professionals after remission.
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