The Pathophysiology of Thygeson’s SPK
Many specialists have studied the pathophysiology of Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratitis (TSPK) by documenting all known biology and physical symptoms pertaining to patients. This disease has confounded medical doctors, researchers, and laboratory workers for decades. The knowledge gained since Phillips Thygeson first published a paper on TSPK in the AMA Journal in 1950 has mostly led to more theories and speculation than proven facts.
The exact cause of Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratitis remains unknown to the medical community. Some researchers have suggested that TSPK may occur due to a frequently recurring viral infection that works its way into the deepest layers of the cornea. Researchers have determined that there is some evidence of activity that is consistent with a viral causation. There are claims that cannot be substantiated that suggest the development of Thygeson’s SPK may be affected by a varicella virus, Chlamydia trachomatis, and other common viruses.
There is a difference of opinion among some medical professionals on how best to treat TSPK patients. Some physicians believe that eye-drops and ointments are the best way to manage the discomfort experienced by sufferers until the symptoms disappear. More aggressive steroid-based procedures are used to address more extreme symptoms. Some patients will undergo a week of this type of treatment and continue after remission on a schedule that calls for more applications from 3 to 12 months later.
Frequent steroid use is not recommended even as a medical therapy and many doctors will use other products such as Cyclosporine A rather than expose a patient to possible complications connected to the over use of steroids, which can damage the eye.
There are many people in the medical field dedicated to finding the reasons behind this disease and hard at work studying the pathophysiology behind Thygeson’s Superficial Punctate Keratitis (TSPK). The most important recommendation to individuals who notice any problems with their eyes is to contact an eye specialist immediately.
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